Dear Smart Smoothies,
When you are buying replicas, chances are they are not going to be 100%
exact to the authentic, and it's always the case, no matter what
quality you get. Based on that understanding, it's always gonna be
easier for you to take your purchases lightly. If you are counting
stitches, microscoping the engravings, measuring the length by mm, etc,
it would be a lot easier for you to buy the authentic.
Running a replica business is very risky. We are like dealing drugs in
the black market. We can't get the items until it's off hours, that's
why I always send out the order at around 8:00 PM (China time). We hear
and see with our ears and eyes that there are factories been shut down
the whole time. That's why some of the factories are not putting so much
energy and time to perfect their items, by perfecting, I don't mean
leather quality, but accuracy. If an item comes in good leather or
canvas quality, but it's off a bit from the authentic, it should be a
blessing in disguise.
As a seller, I am the one who is keeping
all the returned merchandise here. I am nice enough to accept returns
even when the items are not defective but out of your own
dissatisfaction, that's because I value your friendship/clientship. All
factories now have the same rule: return in brand new condition within 7
days (calendar days, not working days). Basically when I am selling internationally, it's not possible
for me to receive the return within 7 days after the merchandise is sold
to me. So even when the items come as brand new after 7 days, I am not
able to return them to the factory for a refund or exchange.
Another thing about stock pics. The pics on my Yupoo site are stock
pics, most of which are taken from the first batch in production. There
are always upgrades made to replicas, so different batches may come in
small differences, which should be accepted. Take the Chanel flap bags
and Reissues for example, the CC stitching should be matching with the
leather on the flap, but the pics show a red color stitching, which is
wrong, but the actual items are burgundy or black. This should not be an
issue as long as it's good materials and workmanship. Please don't come
back to me and tell me that the item you receive has a different detail
from what's shown in the pics.
I recently came across news
about someone who bought a designer bag from a consignment store that
turned out to be fake, and complaints about an authentic bag that comes
with unacceptable flaws. This is not a one-time case. It happens a lot
according to TPFers who claim their items to be 100% authentic.
Therefore I am making this announcement as a disclaimer in a way, and
the following decisions are really a bit tough for me to make, but they
are for the best:
1. I don't accept returns if the item(s) you
purchase are not defective, by defective, I mean loose stitches, broken
zippers, ripped off leather or lining. If you are simply not happy with
your purchase because of the color, the size, the shape, or minor
inaccuracies to the authentic, I am really sorry but I have to say no.
2. All refund will come as a store credit. It's not like that I am
gonna run away with your money, but most online stores are doing the
same thing about refund. It's unconditional and non-negotiable.
3. I am not going to provide preshipment pics before you make payment. I
will also charge a 15% restocking fee if you ask for preshipment pics
but decide to cancel your order after I make all the efforts to get you
the pics, no matter what reasons.
With all the above said, I
once again confirm that you will receive the best quality with the price
you have paid. It's not like I am gonna change and become a bad seller.
I am still the same honest and nice Smart Smith you know of. You have
my word on this.
Always, with Love.
Smart Smith