Sunday, April 28, 2013

About Chanel CC Closure and Some Other Stuff

A lovely member of a forum emailed me some pictures about her authentic Chanel bag with closeups on the CC closure, saying her authentic CC closure is fatter and thicker, comparing with what I have to offer. I think I really should open this topic a bit up so you guys don't get misled by some "how to spot a fake sth" blog.

Please find attached a picture of the classic flap (medium size), focusing on the CC closure:

 And this is a picture of my product in original quality:
You can see the difference. The first picture (authentic according to the lady), the CC closure is fatter, while that on the second picture (replica) is thinner. However, this difference is perfectly normal, because Chanel ACTUALLY made such a change in 2009 (if my memory serves me right) on the CC closure and the caviar leather. The CC closures on classic flap bags before 2009, no matter which size, are fatter, while those after 2009 are thinner. I have information from PurseForum to back me up, and here is the link: ... 68522.html . This is the change made on Mini Flap, but I believe I read in this forum too about exactly the same change on Jumbo and Medium Flap as well. If you want to dig it up, please fish through the PurseForum, on which only authentic purses are posted and discussed.

Well, I know some people are very rude and bitchy when they find you carrying a new bag. Their first impression is that it's a fake. They might point out the proofs on your bag to convince you that they know their stuff well, but please don't get frightened by such bullying. Don't you lose your ground so easily. You should have the confidence to confront these ignorant but arrogant people. First thing is, find out proofs to back yourself up, and then use facts to fight back. Even when you know you are carrying a replica bag, you should carry it with pride and dignity. Don't get freaked out when you are confronted. When you have acquired such professionalism, you got nothing to be afraid of.

Friday, April 26, 2013

How to Get the Chemical Smell Away from a New Purse

I know some people don't feel comfortable about the bad smell that comes with the beauty of the purse, some even have allergic reaction, like tight throat and watery eyes and a headache when they use the purse. The smell is from the glue that is used to put the leather together, which is a necessary or even indispensable process to make a bag, and you know all glue products are chemical, and all chemical products have certain bad effect on our bodies. If you find yourself allergic to this, I don't suggest you use any leather goods any more. Most fabric and nylon products do not have that smell.

You may wonder why the authentic bag does not have the smell. Honestly, do you know how long it takes for authentic kind to get to the counter after it's off the production line? If you get your replica bag that long, it won't have the smell either.

That being said, I do have a pretty smart way of getting the glue smell away. It's my personal experience, nothing professional. When you get a new bag, don't use it until the smell is gone. Some of you already know that you can put it somewhere with a good natural air flow, but the natural way is gonna take weeks or even months. My experience is, you can also put a whole ROLL of toilet paper, preferably the kind that comes with a nice natural scent, say the lavender or lemon, I am sure you can easily find such kind of toilet paper in any supermarket. Remember, it's a WHOLE ROLL of it inside the bag. It only takes like a day or two, and the smell will be gone. After that, you can spray some (not too much) of your favorite fragrance to the inside of the bag and the smell of the fragrance is gonna be there forever.

How do you like the idea of that? Let me know how it goes!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fendi Spring Summer 2013 Collection Released in Replica World

Honestly, I was NEVER a Fendi fan until this Spring. The previous FF Signature collection is just so boring. I used to think LV monogram and GG signature are boring, but they are more pleasant to the eye in the presence of a FF signature Peekaboo, or anything with that brown khakish FF logo. To my great surprise, while GUCCI impressed me with its simple yet classy SOHO collection, FENDI refuses to stay old and gloomy any more.

Presenting Fendi’s Spring Summer 2013 Bag Collection. These gorgeous bags from this collection are now available in the replica world. The Spring collection features an array of color blocked pieces in the classic styles. Fendi’s iconic Peekaboo bag has taken a break from its classic look for more colors in a variety if patterns. This is apparent in the 3D geometric shapes adorned on the Fendi’s 2Jours tote and classic Baguette bag.

I'm sure you've noticed that MULTICOLOR has become the catchword of 2013, you can see the same color mix on Louis Vuitton, Celine, Prada, and now on Fendi. The world is in a serious mess, bombing, campus gunshots, earthquake, it's all gloomy and heavy around, and we really deserve some refreshing colors. Don't you think so?

More in this collection:

Monday, April 22, 2013

Half My Monthly Profits to Help Victims of Sichuan Earthquake

Three days after a magnitude 7.0-earthquake struck China’s Sichuan province, residents are still awaiting rescue as well as essentials like drinking water, food, medicine and tents. The epicenter of the earthquake was in Lushan, a rural county 160 km southwest of the provincial capital, Chengdu. China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency quotes local officials as saying that there have been at least 192 deaths, more than 11,000 injured and that 23 people remain missing. However, confirming death tolls and damage to buildings has proved difficult, because police have been stopping both foreign and Chinese media from entering Lushan county from the nearby city of Ya’an.

When this earthquake struck Sichuan again (the last on was only 5 years ago) on April 20, my first reaction was OMG I must go there in person to help. I even asked many of my friends to join, but some of them said we are only gonna make things worse if we are there, with our untrained life-saving skills, not to mention there are many other professional teams with trucks of foods and water and tents going the same way, while the roads have been destroyed, so we should probably stay where we are and give ways to the professionals first. We can do nothing but pray.

Now I realize that I can still DO something, and here is my decision: HALF of my profits between April 20 to May 20 will go to Jet Li's One Foundation to help with the reconstruction of the devastated towns in Sichuan. I know my help is tiny compared to the damage this earthquake has done to Sichuan, but it matters to me.

My friends, please have your fingers crossed, and pray for the buried victims to be found and saved within the critical 72 hours. Wish everybody in Sichuan the best of luck.

PS: Information about Jet Li's One Foundation:

Some ABCs About Replicas

I know there are many professionals on the web. They know the authentic designer bags (or whatever) well, even the slightest detail can be noted. I really like dealing with these people, as I can learn a lot from them myself. HOWEVER, I don't think you know replicas well, therefore allow me to share with you something about replicas in my knowledge.

I have been in replica business since 2008. The companies I've worked for include EHBestFashion, ReplicaEStore, HandbagsOutlet, PursesMama, and I started my own business on Facebook since Dec. 2011. It's my 6th year in business, so I am sure I have some say in this topic.

There are different grades of replicas, namely: A, A+, 1:1, original (I am sure some have heard about original quality grade before, but many of you have this confused with 1:1). Let me open it up a bit more:

1. A quality.
It's the most disgraceful knockoffs, made of complete plastic, about $20-50 per piece, mostly sold on street sides. HandbagHeaven is selling exactly the same quality, except that they don't have the logos. The hardware is a pain, totally crap, made of plated plastics.

2. A+ or Super A quality. Some of you are told "Special A" quality or AAA quality. replicas of Super A quality are made of leatherette and PU, leatherette is recycled leather that have been processed. It has the touch of the authentic leather, but not as durable. The hardware is a misery, they break easily, especially the rings on Louis Vuitton bags (namely the Galliera, the Artsy). I am sure most of you have bad experiences of hardware coming apart.
Prices start from $100 to $180 for most of the items. Websites like FabAAA are selling Super A replicas.

3. 1:1 quality. It's a much better grade of replicas, at least made of authentic leather outside (not the inside). The leather used for this grade are either first layer calf, lambskin or sometimes, suede, all are local Chinese leather. You can hardly tell the difference between a 1:1 quality replica and a Super A replica from the look, but if you touch the leather with your fingers, you will notice that the AAA has a loose feel while the 1:1 feels more sturdy and durable.

I know some websites have successfully misled you to believe that 1:1 quality replicas are the best of replicas that are made of imported leather. There are numerous blog entries on the web about 1:1 replicas in original imported leather. They are just part of marketing operations by online trading companies. As part of the manufacturing team before, I can reassure you that NO 1:1 quality replicas are made of imported leather, which is 3-5 times the price of local leather. As a matter of fact, people in the factory or production line have them called separately. 1:1 is 1:1, original is original.

The prices for 1:1 are about $200-$350. Unfortunately some websites have mixed quality grades. They claim all their products are of 1:1 quality, but you can easily notice that their quality is not consistent. For example, if you receive your first item from a website, and the quality is superb, then you place your second order, and it turns out to be of a lesser quality, that's most probably the kind of websites I am talking about.

4. Original quality. The ONLY version of replicas made of imported leather (calf or lambskin) and imported hardware (mostly from Switzerland). These items are outrageously expensive. For example, an original quality 35CM Birkin is sold for $1200-$2800 (some websites even claim they are 100% authentic like now closed by GUCCI), and an original quality Chanel medium flap is sold for $450-$1200. HOWEVER, I must say that SOME brands like GUCCI, COACH, BURBERRY and most of LOUIS VUITTON are NOT available in original quality. As far as I am concerned, Celine, Chanel, Prada, Hermes, Fendi and Bottega Veneta have the original quality replicas. Please therefore be aware!

With the above being said, I also need to speak for myself and this industry. SOME replica lovers are just being too picky. They want their replicas to be 100% identical to the real deal, every single detail has to be the same. If you are lucky enough, you may get something like that. HOWEVER, replicas are replicas, not even the original quality replicas can be 100% identical to the real thing from every single detail. We should all understand that replicating is illegal, all factories in China are in the remote countryside or even in the mountains to avoid inspections. They import superior materials to make top quality replicas, so they have to make FULL use of each piece of leather. They may make some tiny changes on designing the bags, like cutting, stitching and sewing, just to avoid waste of leather. I think this should be understood and accepted. We take the risk of getting caught, fined and imprisoned, so you don't have to waste some $1000 to $10000 on a real designer thing. With only a fraction of the price tag, you can get the same quality and bigger excitement that comes along. Shouldn't we be more grateful? If you want something 100% original, I would only suggest you buy from the authorized dealers, or from the official websites. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

In Love with Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere

I know some of you have problems carrying the iconic Speedy because of its shape. Without the frame, the Speedy bag just sags down and does not hold up. Some even has complaints about it not looking like a bag at all. 

This is not going to be a problem if it has a shoulder strap attached to it. Check how the girl is carrying this bag below: 

The new Speedy is called the Speedy Bandouliere, released in June 2011, but has made a great success recently. According to Smart Handbags, this collection has topped the best selling chart in the last 2 quarters. 

The introduction of a new Louis Vuitton Speedy is always the cause for celebration among handbag friends, and we think that this particular bag will be of wide interest. The Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere is similar to the monogram Speedy that we all know and love, but it brings with it the thoroughly modern addition of an integrated shoulder strap. Optional straps have long been available for purchase to clip onto the traditional Speedy’s handle attachments, but this dedicated strap brings with it a design logic that is lacking in a simple add-on.

Available in all 4 sizes, Louis Vuitton has priced them about $300 more than the traditional Speedy, but $300 for an extra shoulder strap, isn't it too expensive? 
  • Monogram Speedy Bandouliere 25 – $1065
  • Monogram Speedy Bandouliere 30 – $1090
  • Monogram Speedy Bandouliere 35 – $1115
  • Monogram Speedy Bandouliere 40 – $1140

PS: This bag is also available in Damier Ebene canvas, but only in 3 sizes: 25CM, 30CM, and 35CM. Louis Vuitton does not make a 40CM Damier Speedy Bandouliere, if you happen to find one online, it's most probably a fake item.