Some of the new customers have been wondering why I don't send preshipment pics, well if you have a chance living my life, I guess you will understand.
First of all, I've sent pics of the actual bags I am selling before you order, and those pics were taken at a random pick from each production. Even though there may be slight differences from one to another, but they are considered to be acceptable, coz differences do exist in authentic ones too.
Secondly there are a lot of orders every day for me to process, and I work alone. I do all the work from customer service to quality check and packing, so I am in every step of your shopping experience. There are just a lot of more work if I have to send you preshipment pics, and then I have to wait for your reply before I can send the bags out, with the time differences between you and me, it's gonna take days to complete a single order.
About buyer protection, it's understandable that you don't feel like comfortable making payment through Western Union or MoneyGram, but it's not that I don't want to take credit cards or PayPal, it's that I can't. My store was shut down (twice), and my PayPal accounts frozen because this is not a legal business. Buying a replica, you put a seller at risk, not the other way around, if paying by credit cards or PayPal. However, if you have found a trusted/reputable seller, you should have faith in him. I am sure you are convinced that I can be trusted, that's why you contacted me in the first place, isn't it?
I never advertise. I never make fake reviews about my own products. I never pay anyone for making reviews for me either. All you read online about me are genuine feedback given by my genuine clients by their own will. If you are not comfortable buying from me, I am not going to force you or beg you or do anything you ask to please you so you can feel confident in buying from me. It's a matter of trust. If you trust me, you will get everything you need in a deal.