Monday, April 22, 2013

Some ABCs About Replicas

I know there are many professionals on the web. They know the authentic designer bags (or whatever) well, even the slightest detail can be noted. I really like dealing with these people, as I can learn a lot from them myself. HOWEVER, I don't think you know replicas well, therefore allow me to share with you something about replicas in my knowledge.

I have been in replica business since 2008. The companies I've worked for include EHBestFashion, ReplicaEStore, HandbagsOutlet, PursesMama, and I started my own business on Facebook since Dec. 2011. It's my 6th year in business, so I am sure I have some say in this topic.

There are different grades of replicas, namely: A, A+, 1:1, original (I am sure some have heard about original quality grade before, but many of you have this confused with 1:1). Let me open it up a bit more:

1. A quality.
It's the most disgraceful knockoffs, made of complete plastic, about $20-50 per piece, mostly sold on street sides. HandbagHeaven is selling exactly the same quality, except that they don't have the logos. The hardware is a pain, totally crap, made of plated plastics.

2. A+ or Super A quality. Some of you are told "Special A" quality or AAA quality. replicas of Super A quality are made of leatherette and PU, leatherette is recycled leather that have been processed. It has the touch of the authentic leather, but not as durable. The hardware is a misery, they break easily, especially the rings on Louis Vuitton bags (namely the Galliera, the Artsy). I am sure most of you have bad experiences of hardware coming apart.
Prices start from $100 to $180 for most of the items. Websites like FabAAA are selling Super A replicas.

3. 1:1 quality. It's a much better grade of replicas, at least made of authentic leather outside (not the inside). The leather used for this grade are either first layer calf, lambskin or sometimes, suede, all are local Chinese leather. You can hardly tell the difference between a 1:1 quality replica and a Super A replica from the look, but if you touch the leather with your fingers, you will notice that the AAA has a loose feel while the 1:1 feels more sturdy and durable.

I know some websites have successfully misled you to believe that 1:1 quality replicas are the best of replicas that are made of imported leather. There are numerous blog entries on the web about 1:1 replicas in original imported leather. They are just part of marketing operations by online trading companies. As part of the manufacturing team before, I can reassure you that NO 1:1 quality replicas are made of imported leather, which is 3-5 times the price of local leather. As a matter of fact, people in the factory or production line have them called separately. 1:1 is 1:1, original is original.

The prices for 1:1 are about $200-$350. Unfortunately some websites have mixed quality grades. They claim all their products are of 1:1 quality, but you can easily notice that their quality is not consistent. For example, if you receive your first item from a website, and the quality is superb, then you place your second order, and it turns out to be of a lesser quality, that's most probably the kind of websites I am talking about.

4. Original quality. The ONLY version of replicas made of imported leather (calf or lambskin) and imported hardware (mostly from Switzerland). These items are outrageously expensive. For example, an original quality 35CM Birkin is sold for $1200-$2800 (some websites even claim they are 100% authentic like now closed by GUCCI), and an original quality Chanel medium flap is sold for $450-$1200. HOWEVER, I must say that SOME brands like GUCCI, COACH, BURBERRY and most of LOUIS VUITTON are NOT available in original quality. As far as I am concerned, Celine, Chanel, Prada, Hermes, Fendi and Bottega Veneta have the original quality replicas. Please therefore be aware!

With the above being said, I also need to speak for myself and this industry. SOME replica lovers are just being too picky. They want their replicas to be 100% identical to the real deal, every single detail has to be the same. If you are lucky enough, you may get something like that. HOWEVER, replicas are replicas, not even the original quality replicas can be 100% identical to the real thing from every single detail. We should all understand that replicating is illegal, all factories in China are in the remote countryside or even in the mountains to avoid inspections. They import superior materials to make top quality replicas, so they have to make FULL use of each piece of leather. They may make some tiny changes on designing the bags, like cutting, stitching and sewing, just to avoid waste of leather. I think this should be understood and accepted. We take the risk of getting caught, fined and imprisoned, so you don't have to waste some $1000 to $10000 on a real designer thing. With only a fraction of the price tag, you can get the same quality and bigger excitement that comes along. Shouldn't we be more grateful? If you want something 100% original, I would only suggest you buy from the authorized dealers, or from the official websites. 

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