I have been selling bags for a while, and small leather goods like wallets, clutches, belts, and key holders, and in every fall/winter season, scarves. These are basic items for everyday life, and you don't expect them to be as durable as like forever, as we are always trying to get something different in styles, a shopping tote is the the love of summer, but by next spring, you may adore a satchel. There should always be something formal for work, something casual for the weekends, something elegant for an evening party and something sexy for a night club. Who knows how many bags a woman may need! This is the reason I love handbags and enjoy selling them.
Like always, many
of my customers have been asking if I carry replica designer shoes or watches. Honestly I can get designer anything in the replica market, as most of my handbag suppliers are selling shoes, watches and jeweleries as well, but I don't want to. Here are the reasons:
1. For shoes, we have different measurement systems with the rest of the world. In China we go with the European sizes, and it's still different because different factories make different sizes. A size 41 from one factory may actually be the same as size 40 or 42 from another. This is the reason why I would suggest you go to the department store or consignment store and have the shoes actually tried on your feet to see if it's fit or not. It's a misery to walk in some unfit shoes, and I guess we all know how that feels.
2. Watches are the most delicate invention in the world I believe, and it's very difficult to replicate, the precision of the mechanic is critical, otherwise Swiss made couldn't be selling so expensive. I personally would NEVER buy a replica watch, I would always stick with the authentic, even when I can't afford the IWC, Patek Philippe, Vacheron Constantin, Tag Heuer or Rolex, I will go with Tissot or Seiko. Either one I can use it for the rest of my life. But honestly no replica watches can last for a life time. However, if you only want to use the watch for a couple of years, and don't mind changing from model to another, it's a different story. In this case, I am ready to sell.
I am an honest dealer, as you may have already known. I don't want people to have something that doesn't fit or last for a while. This is probably another reason I am not a successful businessman, by successful I mean wealthy. I am still trying to make ends meet every month. Sigh!
1. For shoes, we have different measurement systems with the rest of the world. In China we go with the European sizes, and it's still different because different factories make different sizes. A size 41 from one factory may actually be the same as size 40 or 42 from another. This is the reason why I would suggest you go to the department store or consignment store and have the shoes actually tried on your feet to see if it's fit or not. It's a misery to walk in some unfit shoes, and I guess we all know how that feels.
2. Watches are the most delicate invention in the world I believe, and it's very difficult to replicate, the precision of the mechanic is critical, otherwise Swiss made couldn't be selling so expensive. I personally would NEVER buy a replica watch, I would always stick with the authentic, even when I can't afford the IWC, Patek Philippe, Vacheron Constantin, Tag Heuer or Rolex, I will go with Tissot or Seiko. Either one I can use it for the rest of my life. But honestly no replica watches can last for a life time. However, if you only want to use the watch for a couple of years, and don't mind changing from model to another, it's a different story. In this case, I am ready to sell.
I am an honest dealer, as you may have already known. I don't want people to have something that doesn't fit or last for a while. This is probably another reason I am not a successful businessman, by successful I mean wealthy. I am still trying to make ends meet every month. Sigh!
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