Sunday, November 17, 2013

Smart Urban Dictionary: What is a Diao Si

A friend of mine asked what "屌丝" (diao si) means when she learned this word from a movie. It's a pretty new word and you can't find it in a published dictionary. This word was first known on a forum (exclusive for fans of a star) where an intruder got in accidentally and he happened not a fan of that star, so he called those fans "屌丝".

"屌丝" literally means pubic hair of a male, "cock hair". It's used to describe somebody who is ugly, fat, sloppy, impoverished, and slow (I meant to say stupid, I guess slow is a more proper word), to sum up in one word "unwanted", that no woman wants to have sex with him so he has to do it himself (masturbate). Therefore it's very rude to call somebody else a "屌丝".

However in the forum, instead of fighting against the intruder, some forum members started to accept the "name" and even used it for self-mocking. They believe we are in one way or another like that, "unwanted loser". The term soon got popular, not just inside the forum but all over the Internet. And since it's got popular, the bullying effect has been weakened. We can not only use it for self-mocking, we can also call a close friend "屌丝" and he won't get angry. However, if you really want to call somebody not a friend a stupid loser, yeah, that's the right word to use.

The antonym of "屌丝" is "高富帅", literally meaning a man who is tall, wealthy and handsome, in one word "desirable", while "白富美" is to describe a woman who is fair, wealthy and pretty.

Here is a typical example clipped from China's best-selling movie ever in history - "Lost in Thailand" that explains without a single word what a real 屌丝 acts when he sees a 白富美.

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